Monday, October 20, 2008

Postcards and karaoke

So one thing that I haven't done yet is send out any postcards mainly because I am here on the college campus about 80% of my time and every time I do go out I usually forget to buy anything besides alcohol! (LOL) and other necessities. I will send postcards though that I promise. Aside from talking about the show I would like to quickly comment on TV here in Asia. Here are 3 AWESOME facts...

There is ANIME on all the time... like the good kind too and there are 3 anime channels! Though I am missing my Star Wars Clone wars cartoons.

TV is so entertaining even if I don't understand whats going on - so funny and I'm not just laughing at the language or costumes. Actually pretty entertaining especially the commercials.

HERE IS THE TOPPER! There are 2 yup count it 2 Karaoke channels! Hours of free entertainment!

That's all for now ... back to work!


1 comment:

Doorman Diaries said...

TWO karaoke channels. plus booze? Sounds like a good time. I'll be looking for updates. Say hi to Mothra for me...